Real Estate Developers
Project management during conversion of former oil field to retail use. Activities included review of prior Phase I and II documents, additional subsurface investigations and remediation, closing and venting former oil wells, and negotiating and obtaining No Further Action letters from appropriate agencies. Evaluated and designed sampling programs for barrow sites prior to soil import.
Oversaw various consultants during re-development of a block of properties in downtown Los Angeles to residential use. Prior use consisted of numerous auto shops, a post office with USTs, and printers. Designed sampling program to assess environmental impacts prior to excavation, removed USTs and obtained NFA letters. Provided pertinent information for export of soil during excavation of below grade parking.
Assess the environmental condition and ongoing work related to closure of a Major Oil Storage Facility on the East Coast. A prior owner was responsible for closure of a spill case and the seller was responsible for investigations related to closing the MOSF license. The site was impacted with hydrocarbons (LNAPL), VOCs, SVOCs, metals, and PFAS/PFOS.
Institutional Investors
Designed the tenant audit program for over 100 industrial tenants located in seven states. Evaluated environmental risk based on chemical use, rated each tenant for how frequently to conduct the audits, conducted audits based on those ratings, provided reports to owner with list of housekeeping issues, necessary Phase II work related to potential soil impacts, mold, and/or asbestos, and provided items to address prior to lease termination.
Designed multi-state Asbestos and Lead-Based Paint Operations & Maintenance Programs for older buildings, prepared Plans, and worked with Property Managers to implement.
Acted as in-house environmental manager during property acquisition, refinance and divestiture process. Oversaw consultants work, reviewed and edited draft reports, and provided business risk assessment. Properties located throughout the Western U.S.
Real Estate Investors/Advisors
Evaluated Phase I Environmental Site Assessment with recommendation for Phase II work provided by the buyer. Provided Seller with documented list of reasons the Phase II work was not necessary, resulting in an addendum to the Phase I report, with no Phase II recommendation.
Oversaw demolition of auto center with asbestos, lead-based paint, USTs, a clarifier, and in-ground lifts. Managed site characterization and remediation. Worked with City, County and State agencies to obtain NFA letters. Worked with architects to design retail and residential structures that would mitigate residual environmental impacts, including leaving part of the property as a parking lot and making use of vapor barriers.
Worked with remediation engineers to design and implement a dual phase extraction system for a metal fabrication and circuit board washing facility that impacted soil and groundwater with trichloroethylene (TCE), metals and hydrocarbons. The NPDES permit was regulated by the Regional Water Quality Control Board and an Operation and Maintenance Plan, Land Use Covenant, and Financial Assurance were negotiated with the DTSC.
Reviewed documents and prepared summaries for use in negotiating environmental insurance coverage for office, retail, and industrial use. Participated in conference calls and designed additional sampling (if necessary) to reduce insurers perceived risk.
Conducted third party reviews of Phase I ESA reports to confirm that ASTM standards were followed, and provided an independent assessment of environmental risk.
Oversaw demolition and cleanup of former gas station owned by the University. Activities included working with gas station's consultant to ensure USTs and impacted soil were properly addressed, and NFA letters obtained. Property was redeveloped for retail use.
Worked with environmental attorney to craft a tenant disclosure document related to groundwater and indoor air impacts from historical solvent use at a 500,000 square foot commercial building. Property was purchased as a Brownfield, renovated, and was being leased to multiple tenants.
Assessed chemical use during hundreds of lease negotiations and provided input to lease terms based on that use. Added tenants to audit programs as warranted.